Thursday, January 12, 2012

Taj ma-holla!

We did it! I officially saw my first wonder of the world today when we arrived at the Taj Mahal at sunrise. It truly is as beautiful as everyone says it is- the sun glints off the marble and makes the building looks like it radiates warmth. It was truly a pleasure to view. After spending a few hours there we were taken to the "market", aka shops that pressure you to buy things you don't even really want. Do I look like I can afford a $400 marble coffee table top? Hell no. Instead we bought a tiny Ganesh statue and bailed. After scooting out of there we went and checked out the baby Taj Mahal, which is another gorgeous tomb. We witnessed a sweet monkey fight in the courtyard and got out of there after we were surrounded by untrustworthy monkeys that came a little too close. Always someone wanting something! Then we drove through some slums to a gorgeous view of the river and the Taj from behind. Although it was a wonderful day the constant begging and poverty is beginning to wear on our souls. It just doesn't stop and everyone assumes because we are American we have money- I guess they haven't heard of warren village. But compared with many of their lives I am rich and rather than taking in the sadness I am trying to become more humble and appreciate all the things in my life. Brad and I are so fortunate to share this experience together and I must admit all the people who told me I could not go places alone were indeed correct. I could not do it without him. Everyday in India is an adventure and we are making a conscious effort to find the beauty amongst the seemingly never ending eyesores. I wish I could post more pictures but I have no access to computers, only my trusty iPod touch. Oh, how I love you iPod touch. For now here is a picture of the sweetest two boys living and working at our guest house. They come from extremely poor tribal villages and they are so happy to be living here with this family- they know they will have love and a chance to eat every night. Lastly, for those of you wondering, cows really do have the run of the streets and everyone moves for them. Love it. As I finish this blog I am listening to the call to prayer coming from the mosque nearby, which happens throughout the day. Thanks for waking me up at 5:45 this morning I really appreciated that.

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