Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Part 2- sweet dreams!

When leaving for this trip I had all sorts of concerns. I want to be a free flowing "ah no worries it will work out" type of gal but in all reality I am one of those "imagine many worst case scenarios and all my reactions to them" types. I drive myself crazy with it sometimes but other times it serves me well as it helps me to be a forward thinker. Quitting my conventional life and traveling throughout Asia is no small choice and a multitude of concerns arose. What if my bank card doesn't work in all countries? What if someone tries to rob me in a dark alley India? What if someone tries to slip drugs into my (nonexistent) surfboard at the airport and I am arrested for Heroin smuggling? What if a mosquito gives me the dreaded malaria? What if I cannot find tampons? Luckily for me the majority of these concerns have thus far proven to be a waste of my time and energy but unfortunately for me I have recently had to deal with one of my great fears. Ladies and gentleman, I have been turned into a walking cliche.

I am happy to report that Brad's toe has made a 97% recovery and he is now appreciating each and every step he takes. He believes the weight of the backpack and the hill caused something called "turf toe". I, however, have not been faring quite as well. You might remember that itchy neck he mentioned in part 1 of this blog series. When we arrived in Malaysia I had him really take a good look at what was going on back there and causing me such discomfort. Now I have dealt with some gnarly stuff before while teaching preschool including ringworm (uuuugh) but even I was blown away by what he found. 24 bites all over the back and sides of my neck and upper back. Ding, ding ding! Tell the lady what she has won... A case of "you've been bitten by bedbugs!"

I was distraught. One of my worst fears traveling throughout Asia had come true and I was flipping out. I immediately did what any sane person should never do- I went straight to google. I looked at pictures, forums about what to do, and generally worked myself up into a complete frenzy. Never under any circumstance do i recommend this behavior as it only made me feel worse. How could this have happened to me?! Where?! I shower each day and I usually check the beds of places I stay! I had met many travelers along the way who nonchalantly mentioned their bout with the bed beasts but naively I though I was safe from their wrath.

The truth was I had gotten lazy about checking because I was staying somewhere nice. I knew it had happened while I was staying in Macau. I wanted so desperately for it to have been the craphole we stayed at in Hong Kong but my gut told me otherwise. We had spent one night in this basement room (scene of the crime) and then upgraded to a suite by chance. Other than the musty smell the basement room had been lovely. I have since learned though that bedbugs do not discriminate. They are not prejudice and don't care where they stay- they enjoy the lap of luxury just as much as the next person as long as they get a meal. Rich people, poor people, we all taste the same. I'm sure after I left the room they put their tiny little hands on their tiny little hips and had a good laugh at my expense. "Ha ha ha check out that sucker backpacker thinking she is safe cause she is not at a hostel. We'll showed her!" Then they probably took a nap on the luxurious down pillows.

After calling my mom I finally did what any self respecting 28 year old would do- I had myself a little cry. Brad was amazing throughout this ordeal asking me what he could do. I have a flair for dramatics and responded with,"nothing, except cut off my neck!". He just smiled and hugged me and told me it would be okay. We got a hold of his brother, an amazing doctor, who told me to take Benadryl and stop freaking out. He also told me to stop googling as that doesn't make anyone feel better. I trust him immensely so I put away the iPod and went to sleep.

The next morning I lay curled up in a ball of depression as Brad put on a head lamp and shook out each and every piece of clothing from our luggage. He searched but found no freeloaders. I finally roused myself and together we went and found a laundromat and washed the majority of our items in hot hot water. We bought rubbing alcohol and doused all our bags just in case anyone hitched a ride. We also bought baby powder in hopes of helping with the mad itching i was facing. Brad willingly spent our first day in Kuala Lumpur helping me and I could not have done it without him. That my friends is true love.

I felt skanky and dirty the day I found out, as if this was something I should be embarrassed about. Bed bugs happened to dirty people I thought. However that's not true and if you have a pulse and breathe out carbon dioxide this too could be your tale. I refuse to be a victim swathed in embarrassed silence. I emailed the hotel and to their credit they were extremely embarrassed and apologetic and they have offered to give me a refund for the night of the incident. I do not even blame them persay as I am sure they had no knowledge that some previous traveller had left behind a few little party guests. I just appreciate that the hotel is taking steps to make it right- bed bugs in Asia are more common than you might think. The paranoia for me is now even worse than the actual bites and I am having trouble sleeping as I am constantly convinced something is on me. Hopefully with time (and perhaps therapy) this will lessen. I have checked the bed in Malaysia no fewer than 12 times.

So here we are, five days later with a healing foot and 24 healing excessively itchy bug bites. I am proud to say that I am moving on and and refuse to let a few bugs ruin my trip. All part of the adventure.

Good night, sleep tight , and don't let the bedbugs bite.


  1. Turf toe and bug bites sounds super weak. You can get those here in the States. I hope that's the worst of it and no more maladies afflict you.

    1. Bed bugs are the weakest! Although common all over I am pretty sure in Asia they enjoy feasting on humans with a side of soy sauce.

      I'm also thinking Brad got turf cause cause he kicks so much ass. Such is life. Hope life in the states is treating you well!
