Sunday, March 25, 2012

Careful read slip down!

Welcome to the English corner with W.E.B. DuPaterson

Today's topic is Asian misspellings. The first time we visited Thailand we hiked to a waterfall and at the top was a sign that read Caution! Stee cliff! It has been a joke ever since. On this trip, being the grammatical master I am (haha), I have noticed several misspellings that I would like to share with you.

It got me thinking, though, what if these mistakes were not mistakes....

Then 'sandwishes' could only be eaten in the company of genies and 'streamed' rice could only be eaten with forest elves present.

Then 'crap langoons' would come with peepee dipping sauce and you would never have them for lunch if you had 'strawberry craps' for breakfast because the chance for contraction of giardiasis would be absurdly high.

Then 'fried bloccoli' would be made of 2x4's and 'hot docks' would be made of old boats.

Then I would be marrying 'Mr. Afhley Gabin'.

Then everyone would have to end their sentence with "bud" when ordering 'malons' or 'lamons'.

Then eating 'god cheese' would be more divine than eating goat cheese.

Then 'gralic' would be a Viking pigeon language not something found in pasta.

Then 'gebetables' would replace vegetables because it's more fun to say.

Then 'shirmp strink rolls' would be served in housekeeping centers as a proficiency requirement for all Denver preschoolers.

Then a 'hourse' would be a house named Mr. Ed.

Then 'manigures' would suck and so would a 'chave' and haircut.

Then 'wuffle' would be the Telletubby that just got back from rehab that nobody really trusts, not a delicious breakfast treat.

Then 'flied' rice would come with 'sclambled' maggot omlettes.

Then when the customs form asks for writing in 'block lathers' you must write in all capitals with your shaving cream.

Chicken with 'chilly' would be served cold....obviously.

Then 'incestines' would come from pigs that were only fed their family members.

I'm just saying what if....

Also I would like to leave you with some Asian advice and a question:

1. Careful be slip down
2. Keep in mine for your parking spot
3. The circle of life with the old,illness and after that get died,so what,s going on the circle

What,s going on the circle indeed.

Ims hopes form that yous having enjoyfulment to be liking there blogging.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to print this post out, laminate it, and keep it close when I travel to Asia. It sounds so confusing. I'm worried about my shaving cream penmanship. I'll be sure to practice.
