Monday, April 9, 2012

Photos from Angkor/Cambodia

I have very limited internet access to a computer but here are a few pictures to give you an idea about the beautiful Angkor park and the temples I was able to explore!
 Bayon temple.  There are pillars that have 4 faces to represent north, south, east, and west.  One of my favorites. 
 A few new friends we met along the way!
 Peaceful faces.  Built LONG before America was a thought.

 Angkor Wat from the mountaintop before sunset. 
 Angkor Wat at sunrise from outside. Note the 5 pillars!
 Ta Prohm temple (Where Tomb Raider was filmed).  The trees are a sight to behold!
 Nature overtakes everything.
 Banteray Srei, or the Woman's Temple.  SO intricate.
 East Mebon. I was exhausted after a day of climbing all these stairs.
 Can you spot me among the stones? I loved all the moss and the mystery.
 Sweet jump Napolean.

Lastly, a picture of the LOVELY staff who came to sing me happy birthday.  Thank you to Bradley for making it a day I will always remember ;-)

THANK YOU CAMBODIA!!! Tomorrow we are off to Bangkok!

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